The Before, During, & After Sex Deck’ is novel! Before this deck, you could buy a relationally-oriented deck lacking in overt sex or you could buy a saucy deck void of clinical credibility. ‘The Before, During, & After Sex Deck’ incorporates overt sex & sexuality within a therapeutic framework informed by the pioneers in the field through more current sex therapy approaches & other treatment modalities. But don’t worry, it’s not stodgy or boring!
‘The Before, During, & After Sex Deck’ is geared toward individuals involved in relationships who wish to utilize a card deck to explore matters of sex &/or sexuality from a therapeutically-informed, yet fun & informal perspective. It’s suitable for use by members of the general public while flexible enough to be incorporated into therapeutic milieus.
The Deck itself is the same size as a standard card deck with economy of materials exercised in its packaging. It is divided into 5 Sections & is modular in that it can be used several ways: single cards may be achievements unto themselves, folks can work their way through individual Sections, or work in progression from Sections 1 through 5: Mindfulness, Communication, Senses, Sex, & Aftercare. Consent is the only set rule, & it’s an important one; beyond that, you’re free to safely use & enjoy the deck to best suit you!
Inclusivity is another important aspect of ‘The Before, During, & After Sex Deck’, no genders, orientations, or numbers of partners are assumed. There are some nods within the construct to neurodiverse people as well.
There are 54 cards that include 10 for each of the 5 Sections along with additional cards detailing Consent, Disclaimers, Instructions, Credits, a Creator’s a Bio, & info for online Bonus Content possibilities.
The Before, During, & After Sex Deck is an investment in play and skill building for happy, healthy pleasure for years to come!

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